How blessed we are. For the ones in our life who love us. The ones who stand by us in good and bad times. The people who challenge you, who want to harm you, but instead make you a stronger person. Thank you Lord for your mercy, your Love that never ends. I hope to always be a blessing to all the people in my life, for i am blessed beyond words. <3

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Something good in every day...

so i saw this one quote today, and it just seemed to fit. i think it's something people need to see and remember. 

 so i grabbed a piece of wood from outside then started to paint and wrote the quote on it

I have decided i wanna write down at least one good thing each day and post it on my wall in my room.
cuz when i look back i know i might not remember what happened each day that has past but at least i will see what good things have happened in the last week, month, and year. I think everyone should do this with me :)

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